






  Many are claiming the Scriptures say one thing, but in reality they actually state the complete opposite. There has been a major mistake occurring within this doctrine of when a day begins. We are about to rip the blindfolds off for you. All that remains will leave you with Yahuwah's unaltered Word, plain and simple. Even a child will be able to understand the simplicity of our Abba's (Father's) Word! Are you ready? Here we go.  One of the only ways to properly understand Scripture is of course, to pray for the three treasures, which are wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Having discernment is also an important key in understanding EXACTLY which Hebrew keywords to look for and to KNOW what they mean. This process is part of rightly dividing the Word! We will use the "Strong's Hebrew Dictionary" unless otherwise noted. We will begin in Bereshith (Genesis) 1:2-5: 

"And the earth came to be formless and empty, and darknessH2822 was on the face of the deep. And the Ruach [Spirit] of Elohim was moving on the face of the waters."

"And Elohim said, "Let light come to be," and light came to be."

"And Elohim saw the light, that it was good. And Elohim separated the light from the darkness."

"And Elohim called the lightH216 'day'H3117 and the darknessH2822 He called 'night'H3883 And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the first dayH3117."

  The meaning behind the highlighted words in the above verses do not necessarily support or base any doctrine such as sunrise or sunset. However, it must be noted, since the beginning of time in creation, earth began with darkness. Yahuwah began creation while there was darkness. His Ruach (Spirit) was moving on the face of the waters in the DARKNESS, and then, He created light. He named the light 'day' and He also named the darkness 'night'. Darkness came first. Apparently, the darkness was just as important as the light because Yahuwah thought enough to name them both. It doesn't matter which one He named first, what matters is what came first.

  Now some amongst the sunrise to sunrise doctrine would have us believe that the 'light' Elohim created was Yahushua. Not only is this adding to the Word, but there is no Scriptural proof to back up such claims whatsoever. This is nothing more than one of the many assumptions for the sunrise doctrine. Furthermore, we know that it has been written concerning Yahushua:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. He was in the beginning with Elohim. ALL came to be through Him, and without Him not even one came to be that came to be."  -Yohanan (John) 1:1-3

"Because in Him were created all that are in the heavens and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or rulerships or principalities or authorities - ALL have been created through Him and for Him."  -Colossians 1:16

  Clearly, Yahushua was already with the Father during the creation week. As we just read in the above verses, nothing came to be without Him. We also know that it has been written, "let us make man in our image." The 'Our' image was referring to the three that bear witness as outlined in 1 Yohanan|John 5:6-8. Yahushua was there helping in the creation of all matters which includes the light!

  To state and claim Yahushua is the light that which came to be during creation week is not based on anything but assumption. Furthermore, those with this same ideology that the light was Yahushua, also claim that the darkness was Satan! Yet, there is no possibility that could have been the case since darkness came first.

We just read how Yahushua was present with the Father having a major role in creation and nothing 'came to be' without Him! Therefore, Satan did not precede Yahushua!

 Please note the following about Satan:

"Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." -Ezekiel 28:15

  The Hebrew word for "morning star" is boqer kowkab. Even the New Testament parallels Isaiah 14:12!

NIV: Isaiah 14:12 "How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!"


  Those who hold onto the sunrise belief also mistakenly state that there is no possibly way Yahuwah would start a day off with darkness. Since His ways and thoughts are higher than our ways and thoughts (Yeshayahu| Isaiah 55:8-9) it is best not to assume anything like this, wouldn't you agree?

  They base this idea on presumptuously alluding that the darkness here represents evil. Therefore, in their mindset a day (yom) could not start off with darkness/evil. It is quite evident that they are not rightly dividing the Scriptures when they say that Yahuwah did NOT CREATE DARKNESS. In the prophetic book of YeshaYahu|Isaiah we can see exactly who created it:"FORMING LIGHT and CREATING DARKNESS, making peace and creating evil, I, Yahuwah, do all these." -Yeshayahu|Isaiah 45:7 

  From His own mouth, He spoke the words. Yahuwah created darkness and evil. Both of these in the grand scheme of things are not bad. These were created to bring about HIS will and not ours! Any Scriptural student knows that this earth age is a time of great testing, trials and refinement. If there were no adversary to tempt us then everyone would be in the coming millennium. However, the time is coming when the tempter will be silenced. Once this age of testing comes to an end, (at the blowing of the seventh trumpet), for one thousand years that dragon will be locked up! Rejoice with us beloved ones, what a wonderful time that will be!

  Not only did Yahuwah created good and evil, light and darkness, but upon completion of the creation week, He beheld all that He made and declared, "it was very good." (Bereshith|Gen. 1:31) Because of this we cannot, nor should we assume darkness, in these verses represent evil.
 A baby is not one year old until he/she has lived one full year. This is the same case with a day. The day began with darkness, and thus, the first day was not completed until darkness returned. To say time began with sunrise is so ignorant because even a child can tell you darkness came first. We also cannot fail to forget, the greater light (the sun) and the lesser

 light (the moon) and the stars were not created until the fourteenth verse of Bereshith (Genesis) chapter one, the fourth day. Obviously, it was not the sunrise that was the first of all creation. We repeat first there was darkness and THEN there was light AND the sun was not created until the fourth day. So there is no possible way these opening verses represents the day (yom) beginning at sunrise! But the day started with darkness!

Dark, Light, First Day.
Dark, Light, Second Day.
Dark, Light, Third Day and so on.
Evening to Morning First Day.
Evening to Morning Second Day.
Evening to Morning Third Day.
Evening to Morning Fourth Day.
Evening to Morning Fifth Day.
Evening to Morning Sixth Day.
Evening to Morning Seventh Day...

  The day went from evening to morning, and, of course, afternoon, and then evening to morning. What time of the day comes first here? Evening to Morning, the answer is very simply. Evening to morning, the first day, is the start of the sequence of events for the entire creation week.

  This can also be found in Tehillim|Psalms 55:16-17

"I, I call upon Elohim, And YAHUWAH saves me. Evening and morning and at noon I complain and moan, And He hears my voice."

  Clearly, evening and noon are totally different times of the day.

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