What if parts of the flock begin their
Sabbath at sunset while others begin at sunrise or if some want to rest for
only twelve hours, who cares? We're all believers. We can keep twelve hours of
the Sabbath together, right?Wrong! To
the part of the flock that may believe this is no biggie, we beg to differ! On
the contrary to such thoughts, not being right on target with the Sabbath could
have devastating effects on us believers and is quite dangerous!
It is a known fact that the seventh day
Sabbath has been attacked down throughout the ages of time. Millions of people
have died in defense of upholding Yahuwah's fourth commandment! These faithful
Qodesh ones, even in the face of death, they would not let anything come
between the love they have towards the Creator of Heaven and Earth! They knew
that keeping the Sabbath meant much more than anything this earth has to offer.
By keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath, they showed the entire world whom they worshiped,
Yahuwah! They even knew that by keeping the Sabbath Qodesh they would receive
HIS seal! For this reason Satan, that roaring lion has tried every trick up the
sleeve to trap humanity into not obeying the fourth commandment.
All false doctrine is detrimental
to us called out ones. We here at the F.O.Y. ministry through the years have
seen members of the Body of Mashiachturn from keeping the Seventh day
Sabbath into being beguiled into following false doctrines. Some no longer keep
a full 24 hour Sabbath, but only keep
twelve hours. To our surprise, some just keep Friday (6th day) night to
Saturday (7th day) morning! Their Sabbath mainly consists of them sleeping
through the night! They would then spend the rest of the day-light hours of the
seventh day going to yard sales, shopping and working! The last we heard from
one of those individuals, they have thus totally denied the Mashiach, Yahushua!
We speak a truth, Satan is subtle and will slowly worm into the unsuspecting
victim. Before long, they have totally
Others within the flock
have started keeping the day light hours as they ran with the verse in John
11:9, when Messiah speaks of twelve hours in a day. Without rightly dividing
the word, they are thus breaking the Sabbath because a day consists of twenty
four hours; as we have shown. The sun-risers along with the lunar Sabbath
keepers are still worshiping the day of the Sun which is Baal worship. This is
no different than the pagans, heathens and even Christians worshiping the sun
deity. Whoever keeps any part of the Sun-day as a Sabbath is partaking and thus
partners with the Universal Church (The R.C.C.). This is extremely dangerous as
the closer we get to the upcoming forced Sunday law, we will see more
compromise amongst the little flock. A major Christian denomination known as
the SDA have even done a complete flip flop compromising
with the RCC!
Quite a few believers on the
other hand, simply want to do away with anything remotely Jewish. Their
philosophy is if it is Jewish, then they automatically throw it out assuming it
is wrong! This ought not to be the case as even within Judaism there are
partial truths. Similar to how there are also partial truths within the
Christian faith. Since Moslem's do not eat swine does that then mean we should?
Or since their women dress modest then should we not? See, how wrong this is?
Basing our beliefs on what others do or do not do is silly.
Many believers are so eager to come out of Babylon that they are willing
to make up ANYTHING to make it appear like they are holier than the rest.
Several others have the idea that since they are the few who believe this
doctrine or that doctrine then truly it must be accurate. This is so far from
the truth. Not all times the minority is correct. The bottom line is, if it
does not line up with Scriptures, then the teaching is completely false. Plain
and simple.
False doctrine is used to deceive and cause spiritual harm. Therefore,
we must study to show ourselves approved. When we study and rightly divide the
word we will not be tossed around with every wind of doctrine that springs
forth from the jaws of Satan. Don't be tricked into false teachings but stand
firm. Hold fast to the solid foundation earnestly seeking truth in all matters!
The dangerous deception is to believe that
the Sabbath starts at any time other than the time Yahuwah has declared Qodesh
from the very beginning! Keeping sunrise to sunrise, midday or even a lunar
Sabbath are still part of the Universal church in which we have been called to
come out of. Don't you ever forget that part of the Jesuits
oath is to infiltrate
into all churches, groups and congregations to destroy the truth at any cost.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!! We cannot control the use of our material by others. We at Followers of Yahushua Ha Mashiach are not associated with any other organization, group, congregation, website or videos that label themselves as "Followers of Yah" unless otherwise noted. Recently there have been many using our phrase "[We are] Followers of Yah" and that simply is not correct as they have taken our words and website title. We have ask some not to do this as we do not agree with all of their doctrine. However, they continue to use our words and title. So please do not be confused. If you have a question about the FollowersofYah.com ministry, please ask us.